Local history museum
The Ruovesi local history museum is a typical house museum that shows what life was like in a medium-sized self-sufficient peasant house in northern Tavastia at the turn of the 19th century. It has the warm atmosphere of an occupied house: you can almost sense the presence of the householders.
The museum contains a collection of more than a thousand beautiful objects representing the handicrafts of our forefathers. Local doctor Einar Palmén began collecting these items in the 1920s.
Group reservations: email: matkailu(at)ruovesi.fi.
Map of the buildings on site (pdf)
Ruovesi tourist information 26 June–11 August 2024, open Wed-Sun 12am–6pm. Tel: +358 44 787 1388.
Email: matkailu(at)ruovesi.fi (service in Finnish and English).